
Showing posts from June, 2023

First Pileated Woodpecker 600 Road Lewisburg Saddle Swainson's Thrush, Steller's Jay, MacGillivray's Warbler, Flicker

I was on my way downhill half a mile from the parking lot, at the end of what I thought had been an unsuccessful birding outing. Then, to my right, I spied my little MacGillivray's Warbler and started shooting pics. As im doing that, off to my left I hear very loud calling birds and I don't know what bird it is but I am thinking that it is an important one, that I need to turn my attention away from the photogenic MacGillivray's and see this new bird. Finally, I turned and there he was, a massive Pileated Woodpecker within camera range. My heart was racing, my hands shaking. I started snapping pictures. Then a Swainson's Thrush shows up, on the same tree, just lower and on the other side branch. A Flicker joined the party, quickly followed by a pair of Stellers Jay's. All of this within 3 to 5 minutes. I had to make quick decisions about which bird to pursue, take photos of. It felt like magic, like the sky opened up and birds just flew to my location. In reality, t...

Wilson's Warbler Lewisburg Saddle, Road 600 in June


The Second Best Photo MacGillivray's Warbler

I went back to Lewisburg Saddle road 600, specifically to see if I could get a better photo of MacG. I was not disappointed.  This beautiful guy was at the end of a grounded stick amidst a flowering berry bush. I never would have seen him if he hadn't started singing when I stopped about twenty feet in front of him. Amazing!! Lovely. Many pics. Grateful. 

White-Crowned Sparrow, Vineyard Mountain June 2023


MacGillivray's Warbler, Vineyard Mountain today

I was very excited to stumble upon this bluish headed yellow bird that I had never seen, read or heard about. Delightful! Found in low, open forest foraging along fallen logs and summer wildflowers. Lovely white top and bottom eye brows.

Black-headed Grosbeak, Benton County Oregon


Lesser Goldfinch Benton County Oregon


Lorquin's Admiral Butterfly, Corvallis Oregon


Song Sparrow, Corvallis Oregon


Douglas Squirrel Albany, Oregon


Roosevelt Elk Jackson-Frazier Wetlands early evening June 3, 2023
